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The Asian Law Students’ Association Hong Kong (ALSA HK) is one of the founding members of the Asian Law Students’ Association (ALSA). It is the only students’ organization jointly run by law students from the Chinese University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, University of Law (Hong Kong), University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Shue Yan University. By participating in international law students’ conferences and managing exchange trips and programs, ALSA HK aims to connect law students from Hong Kong as well as in Asia, to encourage worldwide collaboration and to raise local awareness on international legal issues.


We hope to see ALSA HK serving law students of Hong Kong  during their university lives, acting as a bridge between the academic and professional worlds as well as contributing towards legal awareness and policy making. Building upon its roots as a platform for international exposure, ALSA HK unites students from City University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Shue Yan University, equipping them with the experience and dedication to serve the local and international legal communities in their future careers through academic activities and global exchanges.


To serve all law students in Hong Kong with professionalism, integrity and dedication through organising actvities and managing programmes to:

  • Expose local students to the international legal community

  • Facilitate exchange between local students and their counterparts from other parts of the world

  • Enhance cooperation and information exchange between law students at the four Universities

  • Improve local awareness of prevalent legal issues, especially among law students


Full-time students studying either of the following programme are eligible to become a member of ALSA HK:

1. Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • LLB

  • JD

  • BBA-JD

2. City University of Hong Kong

  • LLB

  • JD

  • BBA (Accounting and Law)

3. Hong Kong Shue Yan University

  • Bachelor of Commerce with Honours in Law and Business

4. University of Hong Kong

  • LLB

  • BBA(Law)

  • BA(Literary Studies)&LLB

  • BBA(Law)

  • BSS(GL)

  • JD


Registration Steps

Step 1: Complete the Member Application Form

Step 3: A confirmation email will be sent to your mailbox

Step 4: Membership fee (HKD $60) shall be collected on demand

The Governing Board

National President: Rowdget J. Young

External Vice-President: Catherine Chu

Internal Vice-President: Harry Tsang

Secretary General: Ray Huang

Chief Financial Officer: N/A

Director of Information Technology: N/A

Director of Academic Activities: Janice Lee

Director of Public Relations: Eunice Wong

Director of Exchange Activities: Natalie Leung


Asian Law Students' Association -

National Chapter Hong Kong

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All Logos & Brands shown in this website belong to its respective owners

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