Hong Kong

ELSA (The European Law Students’ Association) is an international, independent, non-political, non-profit-making organisation run by and for students. It is comprised of students and recent graduates who are interested in academic and personal excellence in addition to their studies at their universities. ELSA offers law students a perfect platform to develop their existing skills, acquire new skills and meet fellow students and legal professionals throughout Europe.
Five law students from Austria, Hungary, Poland and West Germany founded ELSA in 1981. Today ELSA is the world’s largest independent law students association and it is represented at nearly 200 law faculties in 41 countries across Europe with membership in excess of 30 000 students and young lawyers.
ELSA-activities comprise a large variety of academic and professional events that are organised to fulfil the vision of ELSA and in order to provide our members opportunities to enhance their skills and to interact with each other. Furthermore ELSA provides its members opportunities to develop their skills through our traineeship programme as well as through our publications. Finally working in the ELSA-network prepares active members of ELSA for their professional life through international experience gained through the association.
For more information, please visit http://www.elsa.org/

AusLSA is an Australian national not-for-profit association comprising all Law Student Societies and Law Student Associations in the country. It represents approximately 28,000 law students. The core functions of AusLSA are:
To advocate the interests and concerns of Australian law students;
To gather and disseminate information of interest and concern to Australian law students;
To facilitate communication and the exchange of information between law student societies, within Australia and abroad; and
To initiate activities of a social, intellectual, and competitive nature among law students at a national level.
In achieving these objectives AusLSA sets out to ensure that Australian law studentshave a representative voice to the higher education sector, government, the legal profession and the community. AusLSA is committed to the educational development of Australian law students by providing valuable resources such as the Law Students’ Directory, alternative careers guides and other information on matters relating to their law degrees, such as information on the legal profession, legal education, undergraduate course information, exchanges, and current affairs.
AusLSA is run by law students elected annually for the benefit of all Australian law students. The governing body is the AusLSA Council, to which each member association may appoint two representatives, who are usually its President and Vice-President (Education). AusLSA’s day-to-day operations are run by an Executive and Committee who are elected at the Annual General Meeting.
For more information, please visit http://www.alsa.asn.au